Meet other like-minded event professionals and create a support system to grow your business. Building a network affords you access to grow your business and maintain relationships that manifest income.
Monthly networking opportunities will be available
in-person and through virtual outlets.
Accountability is important when growing a business. Gain a team of accountability partners who have your best interest at heart. Gain access to an online directory of vendors who will assist in taking your business and events to the next level.
VIP / Early registration and discounted access to all paid events including workshops, conferences and vending opportunities to market your services.
Professional TIPS to help grow and prioritize your business. TIPS will be offered via FACEBOOK chats, Instagram TV, Email Newsletter and One on One Consultations.
We are the future of the events industry!
Welcome to the Premier Events Association where event professionals will be offered the resources and networking opportunities that will not only grow your business but change your life. Whether you’re an experienced professional or pursuing a new career in events, becoming a member of the Premier Events Association will be an asset to the overall growth and development of the event planning and design industry.
The deadline to submit your application for the year Friday, March 4, 2022
Membership Includes:
 1 Premier Events Association T-Shirt
 1 Monthly Video Chat
(2) 1on1 Founders Meet-Up per year
Discounts to Premier Events Association Networking Events ( 1 FREE Event)
Free Business Advertisement via Social Media & Premier Events Expo
Monthly Newsletter: Email of Event Tips, Happenings in the Industry, and Job Opportunities
2 installments of $175
Benefits of Membership for Event Planners & Stylist
Event Professionals, Planner & Stylist-Only Community: This peer-to-peer forum is a place to network, build upon ideas and ask questions to other live event planners and producers.
Member Connect Facebook Group: In this virtual space, event professionals cheer each other on, feel comfortable asking for guidance and support and share great ideas.
Local Chapter: Meet peers and connect with new business opportunities in your region.
Premier Awards: Be recognized for your exceptional creativity and business professionalism at the annual Premier Events Expo.
Premier Events Association TIPS: Discover trends and successful strategies that will help shape your business.
Premier Events Association Annual Conference: YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS IT!!!
Meet Our Founder
I created The Premier Events Association out of a sheer desire to see other event professionals grow their businesses. I wanted to create a HOME for event professionals to reenergize themselves, reignite their businesses, build a network within our profession and make more money . Being an entrepreneur is HARD and not for the faint of heart; yet doable with the appropriate support system. Together we can do this!! The Premier Events Association creates an environment of like-minded professionals who can be transparent TOGETHER, grow TOGETHER, set and reach goals TOGETHER in an effort to maintain an already evolving profession. My primary vision and ultimate goal is to create a world-wide network of event professionals who aspire to expand their knowledge within this industry; create private events for Event Planners By Event Planners and run DOPE businesses.
Welcome to the Family!
- Shauntae